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Provider overview
Whether you are looking to recruit an apprentice, or upskill your existing workforce, our dedicated team at Business Solutions are here to advise and guide you in the various choices you have available. We do this by crucially listening in the first instance and then, through discussion, identify where your business is now and where you would like it to be. The next steps are to look at how training, through apprenticeship funding, could be the answer to bridging your skills gaps, adapting some of your ways of working, helping with your succession planning, whatever the issue, ultimately helping to improve your bottom line.
Courses offered
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Mechatronics Maintenance Technician (level 3)
76% achievement rate (out of 50 apprentices)
60% national achievement rate
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Head office
Priory Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 1RX
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01743 653460
SHREWSBURY COLLEGES GROUP is 1 of 33 training providers for Mechatronics Maintenance Technician (level 3).
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