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Provider overview
Thatcham's dedicated apprentice Academy provides access to the very latest industry related skills, modern materials vehicles and equipment due to its alignment to the research facility funded by the United Kingdom's leading insurance companies. This ensures apprentices receive tuition from instructors who have experienced backgrounds, up to date knowledge supported by a modern resourced facility.
Courses offered
View all 4 courses offered by this provider
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Vehicle damage assessor (level 4) |
Vehicle damage mechanical, electrical and trim (MET) technician (level 3) |
Vehicle damage paint technician (level 3) |
Vehicle damage panel technician (level 3) |
Vehicle damage paint technician (level 3)
54% achievement rate (out of 40 apprentices)
60% national achievement rate
Explain achievement rate
THATCHAM RESEARCH’s training options
Head office
Colthrop Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4NR
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01635293174
THATCHAM RESEARCH is 1 of 31 training providers for Vehicle damage paint technician (level 3).
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