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Provider overview
The Cornwall College Group includes; Cornwall College, Duchy College, Falmouth Marine School, Bicton College and CCB Training. We offer a wide range of apprenticeships in over eighty careers paths; including specialist land-based and marine pathways. We offer level two and level three apprenticeships all the way to higher apprenticeships at level four and five. We have over one-hundred vacancies at any one time with a careers service who can help facilitate your application and provide career guidance. We pride ourselves on being the career college, providing you with the skills to build the career you want.
Courses offered
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Property maintenance operative (level 2)
50% achievement rate (out of 120 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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CORNWALL COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
John Keay House, Tregonissey Road, St. Austell, PL25 4DJ
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 0330 123 4785
CORNWALL COLLEGE is 1 of 109 training providers for Property maintenance operative (level 2).
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