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Provider overview
Resources (NE) Ltd are a north east based training provider established in 1990 who specialise in apprenticeships, pre apprenticeships and adult learning. We have bespoke delivery centres across Tyne and Wear providing realistic working environments to support vocational learning to the highest standards. Our offer includes apprenticeships in Construction trades, Hairdressing, Barbering, Beauty Therapy, Light Motor Vehicle as well as Business Administration. Our pre apprenticeship programmes act as an entry route to employment, matching employers to prospective apprentices and allowing a trial period. Fully supported training is delivered by skilled, qualified tutors who are time served professionals in their areas of expertise.
Courses offered
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Hairdressing professional (level 2)
71% achievement rate (out of 20 apprentices)
51% national achievement rate
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RESOURCES (N E) LIMITED’s training options
Head office
6b Southwick Industrial Estate, North Hylton Road, Sunderland, SR5 3TX
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01912960239
RESOURCES (N E) LIMITED is 1 of 179 training providers for Hairdressing professional (level 2).
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