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Provider overview
Skills Group has over 25 years' experience in delivering apprenticeships, working with top local employers to offer sustainable employment opportunities. We are one of the country's largest independent training providers (based in Devon and Cornwall), and one of the very few to be members of the Chartered Institute of Further Education (CIFE)
With the wide ranging skills of our staff and the varied provision we deliver you can be assured we will do all we can to help your business succeed.
Courses offered
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Hairdressing professional (level 2)
57% achievement rate (out of 60 apprentices)
51% national achievement rate
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SKILLS TO GROUP LIMITED’s training options
Head office
Horizon Building, Western Wood Way, Langage Business Park Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 5BG
Apprenticeship location
Check SKILLS TO GROUP LIMITED’s training options for the apprenticeship location.
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01752 332442
- Website
SKILLS TO GROUP LIMITED is 1 of 179 training providers for Hairdressing professional (level 2).
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