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Provider overview
WS Training is an Independent Training Provider in the County with a Good Ofsted rating. Running and managing government funded programmes for over 25 years, including apprenticeships, study programme, traineeships and SEN support. We offer apprenticeships in Business Administration, Team Leading and Management, Engineering, Lean Manufacturing, and a range of ICT Digital Standards. We deliver across Norfolk and Suffolk. We offer tailored support to meet flexible off-the-job training and added value classes that are relevant to todays industries.
Courses offered
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Supply chain warehouse operative (level 2)
47% achievement rate (out of 20 apprentices)
51% national achievement rate
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W S TRAINING LTD.’s training options
Head office
Manor Barn, Church Road, Great Barton, Bury St. Edmunds, IP31 2QR
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01284 788 005
- Website
- https://www.wstraining.co.uk/
W S TRAINING LTD. is 1 of 115 training providers for Supply chain warehouse operative (level 2).
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