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Provider overview
Walsall College, based in the heart of the West Midlands can be the first port of call for many employers, whether they are looking to recruit fresh talent in school leavers or up skill new and existing staff. Reasons to choose Walsall College for your apprenticeship training: We support over 500 employers with their business objectives. Over 40 different apprenticeships available. Our apprenticeships include functional skills, GSCE English and Maths. Programmes start from Level 2 and go up to level 5. FREE recruitment service. FREE apprenticeship levy consultation service.
Courses offered
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Healthcare support worker (level 2)
68% achievement rate (out of 80 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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WALSALL COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Littleton Street West, Walsall, WS2 8ES
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01922651129
WALSALL COLLEGE is 1 of 94 training providers for Healthcare support worker (level 2).
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