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Provider overview
Cambridge Spark provides continuous professional development training and upskilling for current and aspiring data specialists in the UK, with a focus on hands-on technical skills. Our apprenticeships cover data literacy, business analytics, data analytics and AI & data science. Cambridge Spark is composed of a team of top-tier data practitioners and researchers and experienced industry specialists.
Courses offered
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Machine learning engineer (level 6)
51% achievement rate (out of 260 apprentices)
56% national achievement rate
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CAMBRIDGE SPARK LIMITED’s training options
Head office
Blenheim House, Newmarket Road, Bury St. Edmunds, CB1 2LA
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- +44(0)7476 550828
CAMBRIDGE SPARK LIMITED is 1 of 3 training providers for Machine learning engineer (level 6).
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