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Provider overview
Bury College apprenticeships has a proven track record of achievement. As well as being recognised as a quality training and skills provider, Bury College apprenticeships has over 25 years' experience delivering apprenticeships to a wide range of industry sectors. Each year we work towards improving the competitiveness of over 300 employers across intermediate, advanced and higher apprenticeships. Our dedicated trainers work in partnership with employers to provide a first class, professional and supportive service. Bury College prides itself on providing high impact bespoke training to which supports business performance.
Courses offered
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Dental nurse (GDC 2023) (level 3)
43% achievement rate (out of 100 apprentices)
48% national achievement rate
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BURY COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Woodbury Centre, Market Street, Bury, BL9 0BG
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 0161 280 8546
BURY COLLEGE is 1 of 20 training providers for Dental nurse (GDC 2023) (level 3).
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