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Provider overview
Gi Group understands the needs of businesses and can offer a bespoke service that can be tailored to suit your company to ensure it maximises the value of apprenticeships in the workplace whilst ensuring a smooth implementation. We deliver apprenticeships nationally through our L&D function of the business Tack TMI. Tack TMI Apprenticeships specialise in leadership and management, recruitment, business improvement, customer services and sales executive. Our programmes provide an end-to-end solution and support career progression and workforce development.
Courses offered
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Urban driver (level 2)
GI GROUP RECRUITMENT LTD’s training options
Head office
Unit 1f The Glass Yard, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, S41 8JY
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 07918815101
- Website
GI GROUP RECRUITMENT LTD is 1 of 16 training providers for Urban driver (level 2).
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