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Provider overview
Juniper Training is an innovative and flexible skills provider with over 35 years' experience in delivering youth programmes. We have held an ESFA contract for a number of years and are immensely proud of our Study Programme and Traineeship offer. It is building upon this success that we focused our priority towards the delivery of apprenticeships. With our flexible approach in delivery, we are in a strong position to support employers in developing training and skills solutions to enable your business to grow, plan for the future and remain competitive.
Courses offered
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Sports coach (level 4)
Head office
Hilton Cross Business Park, Featherstone, Wolverhampton, WV10 7QZ
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01902 864194
JUNIPER TRAINING LIMITED is 1 of 46 training providers for Sports coach (level 4).
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