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Provider overview
Scope Training is a national training provider offering apprenticeship programs in the early years and healthcare sectors. Our primary goal is to facilitate the growth and development of both employers and individuals by providing tailored apprenticeship solutions.
Our team comprises highly qualified professionals with extensive industry experience leading and assessing all qualifications. This expertise ensures that our training programs consistently maintain a high standard of quality, whether delivered to individuals, groups, or implemented across entire companies.
Our mission is to support sectors that we know and understand by delivering a small range of qualifications. These include programs in Pharmacy, Optical and Early Years.
Courses offered
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Early years practitioner (level 2)
67% achievement rate (out of 20 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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BRIGHT BEES NURSERY LTD’s training options
Head office
394 Gipsy Lane, Leicester, LE4 7DA
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01162967940
- Website
BRIGHT BEES NURSERY LTD is 1 of 278 training providers for Early years practitioner (level 2).
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