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Provider overview
United Colleges Group has a long and successful track-record of delivering bespoke apprenticeship training across London and the UK. We have a dedicated, professional apprenticeship team who will assist with all your apprenticeship needs from recruitment to completion and a bank of highly qualified assessors who will deliver top-quality training to all your apprentices.
All of our courses are flexible around you as an employer and we will tailor the training to fit your needs. We aim to deliver first class service and quality in every aspect of the training.
Courses offered
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Plasterer (level 2)
69% achievement rate (out of 50 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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UNITED COLLEGES GROUP’s training options
Head office
Paddington Green Campus, 25 Paddington Green, London, W2 1NB
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 02082085281
UNITED COLLEGES GROUP is 1 of 56 training providers for Plasterer (level 2).
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