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Provider overview
Skillnet offers training in a range of disciplines across a wide range of different industries. We work with employers nationally to provide flexible solutions, tailored to your specific needs. All of our training is designed to provide a return on your investment. The successful recruitment and development of your staff is a critical component of your long term strategic success and with our support we can help you achieve your objectives. Our extensive database of new apprentice applicants provides you with a cost-effective recruitment option to help you identify new talent for your workforce. Whether you need one new member of staff or a national recruitment programme, we can provide a solution.
Courses offered
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Lean manufacturing operative (level 2)
68% achievement rate (out of 30 apprentices)
60% national achievement rate
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SKILLNET LIMITED’s training options
Head office
Radius House, 51 Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1HP
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01923216165
- Website
SKILLNET LIMITED is 1 of 99 training providers for Lean manufacturing operative (level 2).
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