Other names:
Altrad Employment Services
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Provider overview
Altrad is a specialist in the delivery of engineering, aftermarket and upgrade services to the power generation, oil and gas, petrochemical and process sectors. With a focus on the delivery of low-carbon technologies and an industry-leading project management capability, building, maintaining and extending the life of customer assets worldwide. Altrad offer industry leading advanced apprenticeships. The training division based in the West Midlands, has delivered engineering apprenticeships for over 50 years. We host a Welding Centre which has 60 welding bays, which supports the delivery of apprenticeships and welder coding's. We have an 18 metre high training rig for training rigging & erecting and a fabrication facility for pipefitting.
Courses offered
View all 4 courses offered by this provider
Select a course to view locations, training options and contact details.
Engineering construction erector rigger (level 3) |
Engineering construction pipefitter (level 3) |
Pipe welder (level 3) |
Project controls technician (level 3) |
Engineering construction erector rigger (level 3)
Head office
6-7 Lyncastle Way, Barleycastle Lane, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 4ST
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01212819844
ALTRAD EMPLOYMENT SERVICES LIMITED is 1 of 6 training providers for Engineering construction erector rigger (level 3).
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