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Provider overview
A S Training are a vibrant, experienced employer orientated training provision passionately providing high quality apprenticeships across a broad range of occupational standards, specialising in Travel, Leadership, Sales & Marketing, delivering across the UK. Our hands on approach allows us to establish close working relationships to plan, develop & deliver suitably ambitious & enriching apprenticeships to maximise employee’s full potential. Our recruitment service takes care of advertising, shortlisting & interview set up to support bringing new talent into your organisation. We focus on creating a motivated, skilled and enhanced workforce laying solid foundations to future proof employee’s careers to enhance performance in the workplace.
Courses offered
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Sales executive (level 4)
36% achievement rate (out of 10 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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Head office
154 Station Road, Barton, Ormskirk, L39 7JW
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- info@as-training.co.uk
- Telephone
- 07816485983
A S TRAINING (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED is 1 of 57 training providers for Sales executive (level 4).
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