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Provider overview
Apprenticeships at Salford City College have been delivering quality apprenticeship training for over 10 years. Working with 490 employers we deliver over 65 different apprenticeship programmes supporting around 1300 apprentices each year. As part of the SCC Group we have 5 college campuses across the city allowing flexible delivery within our training facilities or in the workplace. We employ 85 staff providing support to apprentices and employers. One of our strategic goals is to develop collaborative, strong partnerships, ensuring our provision is aligned to employer and industry requirements. As a testimony to our success, we were recently awarded the Learning and Performance Institute Learning Provider of the Year Gold Winner 2021.
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Production chef (level 2)
64% achievement rate (out of 10 apprentices)
51% national achievement rate
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SALFORD CITY COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Dronfield Road, Salford, M6 7FR
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01616315555
SALFORD CITY COLLEGE is 1 of 92 training providers for Production chef (level 2).
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