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Provider overview
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is based in Preston, Lancashire and is one of the UK's largest universities. With a student and staff community approaching 38,000 it is the fifth largest employer in the North West of England. The University offers Higher and Degree apprenticeships, and is committed to vocation education, offering professional accreditation for its programmes. The apprenticeships combine work with part-time study up to Honours degree level and may include a work-based, academic or combined qualification or a professional qualification relevant to the industry. The University is working with a number of employers to develop new degree level apprenticeships and will engage with employers to achieve this.
Courses offered
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Digital marketer (integrated degree) (level 6)
60% achievement rate (out of 100 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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Head office
Fylde Road, Preston, PR1 2HE
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01772895500
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE is 1 of 14 training providers for Digital marketer (integrated degree) (level 6).
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