Other names:
Nishkam Centre
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Provider overview
Nishkam Civic Association is a well structured organisation able to deliver high quality apprenticeships. We have over 20 years of experience delivering adult education and training supporting apprentices in career development and progression. We are committed to aiding apprentices in their career paths and supporting employers in developing their workforce by facilitating high-quality, values-led apprenticeships. Our programmes are tailored to the needs of employers and apprentices are given all the training for the learner to excel in their job role. We have built up a strong values led approach as provider in West Midlands region. We support the employer to identify the right apprenticeship for their business requirements.
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Customer service specialist (level 3)
Head office
6 Soho Road, Birmingham, B21 9BH
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- +441215154229
NISHKAM CIVIC ASSOCIATION is 1 of 310 training providers for Customer service specialist (level 3).
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