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Provider overview
Leicester College offers a wide range of educational and vocational training from entry level and above for school leavers, adults, apprentices and specialist provision for students with high- needs.
The college is the largest apprenticeship training provider in Leicestershire, delivering responsive provision to micro-businesses, SMEs and national employers across a range of sectors. Apprentices develop excellent work related skills, which employers value as they contribute to the development of each apprentice's skills and knowledge in the workplace.
Annually, the College trains over 1,200 apprentices, from intermediate to higher levels providing access to the best industry standard training facilities for Construction and Engineering.
Courses offered
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Craft carpentry and joinery (level 3)
60% achievement rate (out of 20 apprentices)
62% national achievement rate
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LEICESTER COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Freemen's Park Campus, Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7LW
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 0116 224 2240
LEICESTER COLLEGE is 1 of 119 training providers for Craft carpentry and joinery (level 3).
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