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Provider overview
- With established relationships with schools and a strong track record of delivering high quality training and development, the Royal borough of Greenwich Apprenticeships Plus, aims to ensure learning meets the needs of both apprentices and Schools as employers.
- We specialise in supporting apprenticeships in schools, with up to date and relevant apprenticeship courses and excellent wrap around support we support schools to address skills gaps across their workforce.
- Apprenticeships can be life changing and are an ideal way to develop and grow talent in Schools. Apprenticeships Plus have seen fantastic achievement rates with most of our apprentice graduates securing ongoing employment.
Courses offered
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School business professional (level 4)
36% achievement rate (out of 20 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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Head office
Town Hall, Wellington Street, London, SE18 6PW
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 020 8921 5560
ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH is 1 of 44 training providers for School business professional (level 4).
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