Other names:
ABA Procurement
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Provider overview
ABA Procurement, the only CIPS Centre of Excellence in East Anglia, offer apprenticeships both locally and online. Established in 2012, we provide an array of procurement learning opportunities. Our unique approach blends classroom and online formats, ensuring a well-rounded experience for our apprentices. Our programs are both comprehensive and apprentice-focused, giving access to extensive tutor contact time with procurement professionals, consistently high pass rates, and rigorous full mock exams. We believe in giving our apprentices everything they need to not only succeed but to thrive in their education. At ABA, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment that empowers apprentices to excel, both professionally and personally.
Courses offered
View all 4 courses offered by this provider
Select a course to view locations, training options and contact details.
Operations manager (level 5) |
Procurement and supply assistant (level 3) |
Procurement and supply chain practitioner (level 4) |
Senior procurement and supply chain professional (level 6) |
Procurement and supply chain practitioner (level 4)
ABA PROCUREMENT LTD’s training options
Head office
51 Ivy Road, Norwich, NR5 8BF
Apprenticeship location
Check ABA PROCUREMENT LTD’s training options for the apprenticeship location.
Contact this provider about this course
- evie@abaprocurement.com
- Telephone
- 07526749735
ABA PROCUREMENT LTD is 1 of 23 training providers for Procurement and supply chain practitioner (level 4).
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