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Provider overview
Kaplan partners with employers to create opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds. We design and deliver engaging apprenticeships in Accountancy and Tax, Banking and Financial Services, and Data and Technology, tailored to meet industry needs and delivered by subject matter experts.
Recognising that successful apprenticeships require more than coursework, we help identify courses to address skills gaps and provide regular check-ins and support throughout the learning journey.
Ofsted has acknowledged our dedication with a 'good' rating for quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, and leadership and management, and an 'outstanding' grade for personal development.
Courses offered
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Financial services professional (level 6)
57% achievement rate (out of 5180 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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There are 8 training providers for Financial services professional (level 6) at the apprenticeship location.
Apprenticeship location
Check KAPLAN FINANCIAL LIMITED’s training options for the apprenticeship location.
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01612597400
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