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Provider overview
Plymouth Marjon University is No1 in England for Student Satisfaction (Complete University Guide 2023). The National Student Survey 2022 also placed us No3 in England for Learning Community and the Good University Guide 2023 ranks us as No1 in England for Social Inclusion. With a growing portfolio of apprenticeship programmes available and offering a modern campus with a 1st class sport facilities and extensive green spaces, the University is committed to being an inclusive community where every voice counts and prides itself on providing a high-quality student experience.
Courses offered
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Teacher (level 6)
100% achievement rate (out of 10 apprentices)
64% national achievement rate
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UNIVERSITY OF ST MARK & ST JOHN’s training options
Head office
Derriford Road, Derriford, Plymouth, PL6 8BH
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01752 636700
UNIVERSITY OF ST MARK & ST JOHN is 1 of 68 training providers for Teacher (level 6).
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