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Provider overview
On The Mark Apprenticeships (OTMA) are a specialist apprenticeship provider. We aim to deliver a wide range of apprenticeships meeting the national and local needs of employers, addressing skills shortages. We're focussed on both personal and career development and support employees in a wide range of job roles. Apprentices often stay with OTMA as they progress from their 'first ever job' through to extended careers in management. Many of our clients also use OTMA to deliver their L&D programmes and use a combination of our trainer supported elearning alongside a programme of bespoke workshops or virtual classrooms delivered by our expert team of trainers. OTMA is part of a family of businesses and services.
Courses offered
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Content creator (level 3)
OTM APPRENTICESHIPS LTD’s training options
Head office
Unit 6, Holly Park Industrial Estate Spitfire Road, Birmingham, B24 9PB
Apprenticeship location
Check OTM APPRENTICESHIPS LTD’s training options for the apprenticeship location.
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01634799950
- Website
- www.otmapprenticeships.co.uk
OTM APPRENTICESHIPS LTD is 1 of 99 training providers for Content creator (level 3).
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