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Provider overview
PETROC collaborates with over 400 employers across Devon and beyond to deliver quality apprenticeships to meet sector specific needs. This includes an ever evolving higher apprenticeship offer. Our provision covers a wide range of sectors, including Construction, Engineering, IT and Digital, Leadership and Management, Hospitality and Catering and Health and Social Care to name just a few. This collaboration with employers has afforded to understand your needs and the skills challenges you face. In response, we have evolved our delivery models accordingly. We can offer multiple entry points throughout the year on the majority of programmes and employers can also choose between college day/block release or 100% work-based delivery on many
Courses offered
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Hairdressing professional (level 2)
47% achievement rate (out of 30 apprentices)
51% national achievement rate
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Apprenticeship location
Canterbury, Kent Remove location
PETROC’s training options
Head office 224.6 miles away
Old Sticklepath Hill, Sticklepath, Barnstaple, EX31 2BQ
Day release address
Bolham Road, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6SH
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01271852419
PETROC is 1 of 179 training providers for Hairdressing professional (level 2) at the apprenticeship location.
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