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Provider overview
Established in 2014 primarily to deliver apprenticeship programmes, Ensis Solutions Ltd offer a range of Intermediary and advanced apprenticeships and work based learning programmes to small and large employers based in; Business; Commerce and Health & Social Care sectors. Our programmes are bespoke, meeting individual business needs and are delivered via a blended learning model through online and face to face delivery. We believe that a combination of our experience, excellent teaching and learning by sector experts and coverage across the North of England with a local approach to all our customers sets us apart from our competitors.
Courses offered
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Adult care worker (level 2)
41% achievement rate (out of 70 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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ENSIS SOLUTIONS LIMITED’s training options
Head office
21 Hope Carr Road, Leigh, WN7 3ET
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01942265859
- Website
- http://www.ensissolutions.co.uk
ENSIS SOLUTIONS LIMITED is 1 of 210 training providers for Adult care worker (level 2).
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