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Provider overview
Riverside College is an Ofsted Outstanding Training Provider (March 2020) based in Widnes and supports businesses throughout the Liverpool City Region and the North West. The college works with approx. 700 employers and has over 20 years of experience delivering high quality apprenticeship programmes. Staff have current industry relevant experience to deliver training in the workplace or in our state of the art facilities. We put employers in the driving seat & work in partnership to develop bespoke apprenticeships for upskilling the existing workforce or to recruit new talent. We can support this with our pipeline of job ready College students looking to progress into apprenticeships.
Courses offered
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Professional accounting or taxation technician (level 4)
72% achievement rate (out of 70 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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RIVERSIDE COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Kingsway, Widnes, WA8 7QQ
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01512572828
RIVERSIDE COLLEGE is 1 of 142 training providers for Professional accounting or taxation technician (level 4).
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