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Provider overview
Skillwise Training are a private training provider that offers apprenticeships at level 2, 3 and 4 nationally. We work with employers and apprentices to identify and meet their individual and organisational needs and goals through detailed training needs analysis, information and continued guidance. Skillwise Training delivers apprenticeships in; Business Administration, Customer Service, Team Leading and Management. We work with our employers to deliver programmes that meet your needs and expectations and make a meaningful impact on your business. Our 4R's approach ensures we have the Right apprentices, with the Right employer, on the Right programme, with the Right tutor.
Courses offered
View all 5 courses offered by this provider
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Associate project manager (level 4) |
Business administrator (level 3) |
Customer service specialist (level 3) |
Operations manager (level 5) |
Team leader (level 3) |
Team leader (level 3)
63% achievement rate (out of 110 apprentices)
58% national achievement rate
Explain achievement rate
SKILLWISE TRAINING UK LTD’s training options
Head office
4 Beacon Court, Birmingham Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6NN
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01217131161
- Website
SKILLWISE TRAINING UK LTD is 1 of 546 training providers for Team leader (level 3).
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