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Provider overview
The Chesterfield College Group can deliver flexible training at an employer's premises or at one of our campuses based in Chesterfield and Derby. We boast specialist engineering workshops at both campuses and a construction training centre in Chesterfield to enhance the apprenticeship training experience. Every apprentice is supported by a dedicated Tutor with a wealth of industry experience who will visit regularly to ensure learning is taking place at the right pace and ensure any learning support that is required is made available, all with an apprentice's wellbeing as a priority. An Account Manager will keep in regular contact to ensure apprentices are performing to expectations and how training can further support the business.
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Operations manager (level 5)
64% achievement rate (out of 90 apprentices)
55% national achievement rate
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Apprenticeship location
L18 Liverpool Remove location
TRAINING SERVICES 2000 LTD’s training options
Head office 62.3 miles away
Infirmary Road, Chesterfield, S41 7NG
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01332361555
TRAINING SERVICES 2000 LTD is 1 of 469 training providers for Operations manager (level 5) at the apprenticeship location.
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