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Apprenticeship training course

Senior florist (level 3)

Care for, prepare, and utilise fresh botanical materials to create designs to meet the bespoke requirements of clients.

Qualification level
Equivalent to A level.
Typical duration
21 months
Apprenticeship category
Agriculture, environmental and animal care
Maximum funding
Maximum amount government will fund
for apprenticeship training.
Skills an apprentice will learn
  • Implements safe working practices in accordance with statutory legislations.
  • Produces and analyses buying lists in coordination with manager, in line with business requirements, and by following company procedure.
  • Produces timeline information to support long term and short-term scheduling, to ensure product integrity is maintained and deadlines are achieved.
  • Implements stock rotation and storage plans to maximise product longevity.
  • Allocates work and supervises staff in accordance to the needs of the business.
  • Promotes environmental best practice and sustainable working practices, including waste objectives.
  • Uses information technology to assist with effective communication and record keeping, including purchasing, website management and customer service.
  • Designs and constructs Tied designs, wired designs, glued designs and designs in a medium using an evaluative approach to inform decisions.
  • Applies attaching techniques - binding, tying and knotting, clamping, wedging, gluing, pinning, stapling - within a range of complex designs.
  • Applies wiring techniques - support wiring, external wiring, semi-internal wiring, internal wiring, cross wiring, stitching, single leg mount, double leg mount, hook wiring, branching unit, ribbed unit, natural unit, feathering, pipping, sepal pinning, wire mesh - within a range of complex designs.
  • Applies plant manipulation techniques - basing, backing, bow making, bundling, caging, edging, framing, graduating, grouping, lacing, pave, plaiting, pleating and folding, rolling and cupping, spiralling, sheltering, stacking, taping, terracing, threading, veiling, weaving, winding, wrapping - within a range of complex designs.
  • Applies water retaining techniques - floating, floral foam, floral foam alternatives, moss, tape, tubes/phials, wax) - within a range of complex designs.
  • Applies ‘elements of design’ including colour, form, line, space and texture when creating floral designs.
  • Applies the 'principles of design' including: balance, contrast, dominance, harmony, proportion, rhythm, scale, when creating floral designs.
  • Applies the 'sources of inspiration' including: culture, botany, emotion, technique and method, economy, when creating floral designs.
  • Applies ‘design schema' including: order category: symmetrical, asymmetrical , design classification: decorative, vegetative, form linear, line direction: radial, parallel, diagonal, winding, crossing, free arrangement, placement of materials: even distribution, varied density, grouping, random, rows and lines, when creating floral designs.
  • Applies coaching and mentoring methodologies which contribute to the development of the team, including the application of technical skills and design theory knowledge, through a range of designs.
  • Implements promotional merchandising and displays to increase sales and profitability.
  • Produces and presents detailed design plans for an external floral design event - for example, corporate events, weddings, charity events etc. - which includes mood boards, sketches and quotations.
  • Review research findings of influential designers and current trends and recommend how they could be used within the Floristry business.
  • Deliver presentations and or team meetings that have clear agendas and structure, are concise and make use of IT to support communication aims.

Full information on Senior florist (level 3) is available from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

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