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Provider overview
NHTA/Training for Business specialise in government funded apprenticeships in hairdressing, barbering, team leading, management, customer service, business administration , delivered either in business's or in our training academy in Nottingham city centre. We offer an OFSTED Outstanding Training service designed to develop apprentices skills and knowledge for their future career whilst providing an excellent service for employers.
Courses offered
View all 5 courses offered by this provider
Select a course to view locations, training options and contact details.
Advanced and creative hair professional (level 3) |
Barbering professional (level 2) |
Hairdressing professional (level 2) |
Learning and skills assessor (level 3) |
Senior leader (level 7) |
Learning and skills assessor (level 3)
Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
NHTA LIMITED’s training options
Head office 52.2 miles away
19 Park Lane Business Centre, Park Lane, Nottingham, NG6 0DW
Contact this provider about this course
- enquiries@nhta.org.uk
- Telephone
- 0115 9691650
- Website
- https://trainforbusiness.co.uk/
NHTA LIMITED is 1 of 49 training providers for Learning and skills assessor (level 3) at the apprenticeship location.
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