Apprenticeship training course
Enhanced clinical practitioner (level 6)
Provide a high standard of health care using judgment, skills, and knowledge.
- Qualification level
Equivalent to degree. - Typical duration
- 18 months
- Apprenticeship category
- Health and science
- Maximum funding
Maximum amount government will fund
for apprenticeship training. - Also known as
- Dietitian (gastroenterology)
- Educational audiologist
- Enhanced dental technician
- Mental health enhanced liaison practitioner
- Physiologist (paediatric respiratory)
- Registered nurse (critical care)
- Skills
Skills an apprentice will learn
- Conduct systematic literature searches to source evidence to inform enhanced clinical practice.
- Critically appraise evidence and use findings to plan and provide enhanced patient-centred clinical care.
- Provide enhanced clinical care in line with professional registration, code of conduct and defined scope of practice, being responsible and accountable for own decisions, actions and omissions.
- Select available tools, technologies and techniques needed to perform complex and holistic.
- Assimilate, synthesise and apply complex information to promote and advocate best interests of others, upholding the principles of safeguarding and evidence-based practice.
- Undertake holistic patient-centred assessments using available tools, technologies and techniques.
- Analyse the data arising from the assessment process to inform clinical decision-making.
- Identify, request and interpret specialist diagnostics within own scope of practice to inform the delivery and management of specialist care for patients and families.
- Develop, implement and evaluate an enhanced care management plan which may include interventions and referral to other members of the multidisciplinary team or other agencies.
- Prepare and support patients and families to manage their own health and care as independently as possible.
- Interpret, assimilate and draw conclusions using diverse sources of information and evidence to inform clinical reasoning.
- Direct others to sources of information and evidence, coaching and supporting them in applying information and evidence in complex clinical decision making.
- Provide leadership within scope of own role and positive role-modelling for others in the multidisciplinary team.
- Identify training and education needs of others in the workplace.
- Plan and facilitate the delivery of practice-based education, training and assessment activities.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of training and education activities.
- Use communication strategies suitable for a variety of situations including sensitive and distressing topics.
- Use strategies to manage conflict and challenge.
- Discuss complex information with patients, their families, the multi-disciplinary team and other agencies.
- Challenge ineffective systems and processes and support others to identify the need for change within their area of enhanced clinical practice.
- Contribute to quality improvement plans and strategies to support a culture of continuous quality improvement within area of enhanced clinical practice.
- Participate in quality improvement activities, such as audit, service evaluations and research projects within area of enhanced clinical practice.
- Reflect on own and others’ practice using clinical supervision processes.
- Identify and act on evidence of unexpected change or patient deterioration within own scope of practice.
- Manage self and others in unpredictable and complex environments, instigating clinical interventions where protocols may not be available.
- Identify and manage risk to patient safety and others in an unpredictable and complex environment.
- Counsel patients, family, carers and others to manage psychological well-being of self and others.
- Contribute to efficient resource management within the workplace.
- Plan, prioritise and deliver enhanced clinical care within a defined resource.
- Contribute to the drafting of business cases or project proposals.
- Provide mentorship, opportunity for peer-learning and constructive feedback to guide, support, motivate and develop others in the multidisciplinary team.
- Contribute to the appraisal of individuals in the multidisciplinary team.
Full information on Enhanced clinical practitioner (level 6) is available from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.