5 E LTD.
Employer reviews
(1 review)
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Provider overview
5E Ltd holds the LSIS Beacon Status and the prestigious IIP Gold Standard. This Ofsted Good provider operates from 7 training centres in London, providing high-quality accredited IT and vocational training, work-based learning. The organisation has been providing skills support for employed/unemployed individuals & other communities in London & the South East since 1998 and on average supports 6000 beneficiaries per annum.
Employers can benefit from increased productivity at their workplace through the apprenticeship programme. Apprentices study globally accredited and recognised qualifications and gain certification as well as in-work experience and assessment to guarantee practical progression and visible improvements in employee throughput and efficiency.
Courses offered
View all 3 courses offered by this provider
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Customer service practitioner (level 2) |
Information communications technician (level 3) |
Lead adult care worker (level 3) |
Information communications technician (level 3)
Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
5 E LTD.’s training options
Head office 98 miles away
Selby Centre, Selby Road, London, N17 8JL
Day release address
Contact this provider about this course
- amit@fivee.co.uk
- Telephone
- 0208 352 8282
- Website
- https://www.fivee.co.uk/
5 E LTD. is 1 of 136 training providers for Information communications technician (level 3) at the apprenticeship location.
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