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Provider overview
Luton Adult Learning is part of Luton Borough Council. Our aim is to help businesses to grow their own talent by developing a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.
Our employer service has been set up to make the recruitment of an apprentice a straightforward process through to completion.
In order to meet employers' needs we have designed our programmes to have multiple starts - allowing you to choose when to hire an apprentice without the restriction of college term dates.
In addition to directly delivering 5 apprenticeships we also offer a wider range via our carefully selected partners.
Our staff have first-hand experience in the areas they teach and put professionalism and employability skills at the heart of every apprenticeship.
Courses offered
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Early years practitioner (level 2)
56% achievement rate (out of 10 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL’s training options
Head office
Town Hall, George Street, Luton, LU1 2BQ
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01582 490033
- Website
LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL is 1 of 275 training providers for Early years practitioner (level 2).
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