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Apprentice reviews
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Provider overview
Shipley College has a long and successful history in delivering apprenticeships from L2 - L5 across a wide range of sectors.
Employers can recruit new employees or you can use the apprenticeship programme to develop existing employees. Apprentices work in your organisations and attend college on day release, this contributes their 20% off the job training.
The Business Development team is dedicated to support you to recruit high quality and committed apprentices to enhance your workforce. This team and the vocational teaching teams are here to support you through every stage of the apprenticeship journey.
Courses offered
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Leader in adult care (level 5)
68% achievement rate (out of 80 apprentices)
52% national achievement rate
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SHIPLEY COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Exhibition Road, Shipley, BD18 3JW
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01274 327244
SHIPLEY COLLEGE is 1 of 164 training providers for Leader in adult care (level 5).
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