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Apprenticeship training course

Specialist community public health nurse (level 7)

Assessing the health needs of individuals, families, workplaces and the wider community.

Qualification level
Equivalent to master’s degree.
Typical duration
18 months
Apprenticeship category
Health and science
Maximum funding
Maximum amount government will fund
for apprenticeship training.
Also known as
  • Health Visitor
  • Occupational Health Nurse
  • School Nurse
  • Specialist Community Public Health Nurse
Skills an apprentice will learn
  • Develop, sustain and manage relationships collaboratively with those involved in the provision of care to individuals and local populations, whilst ensuring that resources are negotiated and employed ethically and effectively
  • Engage with clients in a way that reflects professional curiosity, enquiry, integrity and proficiency to act in the best interests of individuals
  • Demonstrate decision making and the delegation of areas of professional practice
  • Manage and apply a risk based approach to identify those vulnerable to abuse and initiate appropriate action
  • Collaborate with colleagues and other professionals in other agencies to ensure inclusion, maintain safety and minimise risk to vulnerable children and adults
  • Communicate health information and legislation to others in a way that is factual, accurate and appropriately reflects the needs of the situation
  • Identify, apply and evaluate specialised quality systems and risk management tools
  • Contribute to the development of a culture of learning and development for individuals, communities and professional colleagues, including students to help them develop their professional confidence and competence
  • Use critical evaluation skills for the design, implementation and review of health promotion strategies for individuals, groups and communities to meet identified needs
  • Determine opportunities to promote preventative self-care in individuals, groups and communities
  • Apply audit, research and change management skills to influence policy development, implementation and amendment within clinical practice in collaboration with others
  • Use advanced communication skills with individuals, groups and communities to promote their health and wellbeing
  • Determine, apply and evaluate advocacy skills to protect and promote health and wellbeing
  • Apply and evaluate tools and procedures that support the care needs of vulnerable children and adults including safeguarding, abuse and violence
  • Work in partnership to capitalise on organisational or community resources and assets that provide support for those in disadvantaged groups
  • Influence public behaviours to improve physical and mental health and wellbeing through the promotion of local and national programmes e.g. immunisation, smoking and healthy eating campaigns
  • Lead and engage in research activity and carry out statistical analysis
  • Initiate and/or lead evidence-based activity that aims to enhance public health practice and contribute to the evidence base
  • Critically appraise and synthesise the outcomes of research, evaluation and audit, and apply this within your own and others’ practice
  • Disseminate outcomes of research through appropriate media to further advance public health practices
  • Apply evidence based methods to collect, collate, monitor and analyse data relating to strategies and policies, local groups and services including user feedback and engagement forums
  • Apply interpersonal and communication skills to engage with other professionals and teams
  • Lead and actively participate in multi-professional meetings
  • Influence and negotiate to achieve outcomes that will promote and protect the health and wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities
  • Liaise with, and refer to, other professional personnel and agencies within your scope of practice
  • Apply knowledge and skills of behaviour change within clinical interventions to promote engagement in health enhancing activities
  • Plan service development using specialist skills and knowledge for public health protection and promotion
  • Identify and address a range of social, physical and mental health conditions of people of all ages within your scope of practice
  • Use appropriate assessment tools to support decision making related to informed consent, deprivation of liberty and the mental capacity process relevant to your scope of practice during health assessments
  • Make shared decisions with your client group and the wider professional team to create a shared plan of care to meet the identified need including consideration of signposting to other services or groups

Full information on Specialist community public health nurse (level 7) is available from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

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Regulated occupation

Specialist community public health nurse (level 7) needs a training provider who is approved by Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Apprenticeship location

Leicester, Leicestershire Remove location

4 providers available for this apprenticeship location

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