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Provider overview
Roehampton University is a higher education provider offering skills and training designed to meet employer needs. Apprenticeships are part of our work-based skills training and, with our employers, we have developed apprenticeships that are flexible, practical, and relevant. We deliver the competencies required by each apprenticeship in the context of each business, working with employers to apply this learning at work. Our aim is to support apprentices to develop an appetite for lifelong learning and a network of peers to support their wider knowledge. Our apprentices learn the latest in good practice through a range of delivery models, with practice secondments in a range of locations, to suit each apprenticeship.
Courses offered
View all 5 courses offered by this provider
Select a course to view locations, training options and contact details.
Advanced clinical practitioner (integrated degree) (level 7) |
Church minister (integrated degree) (level 6) |
Nursing associate (NMC 2018) (level 5) |
Senior leader (level 7) |
Teacher (level 6) |
Church minister (integrated degree) (level 6)
ROEHAMPTON UNIVERSITY’s training options
Head office
Erasmus House, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PJ
Apprenticeship location
Check ROEHAMPTON UNIVERSITY’s training options for the apprenticeship location.
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- +44 (0)20 8392 3000
ROEHAMPTON UNIVERSITY is the only training provider for Church minister (integrated degree) (level 6).
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