Other names:
TMS International
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Provider overview
ACTTnow provides high-quality engineering-focused apprenticeships in Teesside through progress-driven, block release programs. We equip apprentices with critical knowledge, practical skills, and an understanding of site processes and procedures. We develop the right attitudes and competencies you demand from day one. Collaborating with industry employers we ensure our curriculum aligns to engineering demands, tailoring training to the latest industry standards. Apprentices benefit from industry-experienced tutors who integrate real work experience into daily learning, ensuring preparedness for engineering challenges. ACTTnow is committed to excellence, supporting the growth of skilled engineers who contribute effectively to their employers.
Courses offered
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Engineering construction pipefitter (level 3) |
Pipe welder (level 3) |
Pipe welder (level 3)
TMS (INTERNATIONAL) LTD’s training options
Head office
3 Eco Business Park, Eco Way, Dunscroft, Doncaster, DN7 4JJ
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 03300948598
- Website
TMS (INTERNATIONAL) LTD is 1 of 32 training providers for Pipe welder (level 3).
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