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Provider overview
Westminster is one of the most diverse and dynamic communities in Britain. Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) reflects that diversity as one of the largest local authority adult education providers in the country. We have strong roots in the community, running courses where they are needed through partnerships with the local authority and other community and education bodies. To ensure the quality of our courses and support for students we are inspected by Ofsted. On courses leading to national qualifications, we must also meet the high standards required by examination bodies. We aim to make it as easy as possible for our learners to study here - start your learning journey with Westminster's specialist adult college now.
Courses offered
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Outdoor activity instructor (level 3)
Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
Head office 100.5 miles away
5 Strand, London, WC2N 5HR
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 020 7297 7297
WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL is 1 of 16 training providers for Outdoor activity instructor (level 3) at the apprenticeship location.
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