Apprenticeship training course
Demolition operative (level 2)
Carrying out the process of demolishing or part-demolishing structures ranging from standard brick and concrete buildings to bridges, industrial plants and power stations.
- Qualification level
Equivalent to GCSE. - Typical duration
- 24 months
- Apprenticeship category
- Construction and the built environment
- Maximum funding
Maximum amount government will fund
for apprenticeship training. - Skills
Skills an apprentice will learn
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Carry out point of work risk assessments
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Identify and report hazards, unsafe conditions and uncontrolled demolition operations
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Follow and apply the safe systems of work, permits and seek authorisation including the discovery of hazardous materials
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Identify when an area is or potentially becomes a confined space and carry out the necessary confined space precautions
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment for the demolition operations to be carried out, inspect and store when not in use
- Health, Safety & Environment Protection: Work safely in varying conditions around the site including at height, in close proximity to other operations, contaminated ground, plant and lifting equipment
- Demolition Procedures & Methods: Limitations and when to hand the work over to the Demolition Topman
- Demolition Procedures & Methods: Identify different materials and components of a structure
- Demolition Procedures & Methods: Calculate and quantify materials for removal from site
- Demolition Procedures & Methods: Apply the safest and most appropriate process to the demolition task
- Demolition Procedures & Methods: Recognise when the task is not going to the plan and when to stop and seek advice or hand over to the Topman
- Hand & Power Tools for Demolition Operations: Select the correct tool, carry out pre-use checks and identify any faults with hand and power tools and remote-controlled demolition equipment
- Hand & Power Tools for Demolition Operations: Report defects and dispose of faulty tools and equipment following the correct procedure
- Hand & Power Tools for Demolition Operations: Demonstrate how to use hand and power tools safely along with remote controlled equipment for the demolition task to be completed
- Hand & Power Tools for Demolition Operations: Leave tools and equipment in a safe state and store in the appropriate location on completion
- Fuel Cutting Operations: Select and identify the correct type of cutting equipment associated with the work to be completed
- Fuel Cutting Operations: Set up equipment and carry out daily per use checks, identify faults, report any defects and condemn unsuitable and faulty equipment
- Fuel Cutting Operations: Apply different types of cut in relation to varying situations, material types and thickness relating to non-structural steel beams at ground level
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operatives: Carry out all work safely in line with legislation and official guidance
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operatives: Read and follow a lift plan and demonstrate how to complete the work exactly to the detail
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operatives: Select the correct accessories for the load to be lifted
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operatives: Utilise various types of lifting accessory to sling and lift loads
- Lifting & Demolition Plant Operatives: Guide demolition plant to carry out operations using a range of communication methods
- Communication: Communicate clearly with all internal and external personnel using the correct terminology
- Communication: Use a range of communication methods including radios and hand signals
- Team Working: Demonstrate a strong ability to work as part of a team working cooperatively with others
- Team Working: Provide support to other team members as required
- Team Working: Demonstrate a clear understanding of your role and limitations
- Team Working: Undertake all tasks responsibly and apply safe working practices
Full information on Demolition operative (level 2) is available from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.