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Provider overview
Whyy? Change supports people- and process-driven businesses who want to increase productivity and efficiency by developing the skills of their existing team. We offer Centre-based day-release & client-site delivery programmes.
Our apprenticeship & CPD delivery team are industry specialists with a wealth of experience, resources and partnerships. We can develop your team into INDEPENDENT THINKERS with a QUALITY-DRIVEN, COST-EFFECTIVE APPROACH to operations, production processes and project management.
Our apprenticeships incorporating Lean Six Sigma principles are relevant across sectors, but will be delivered bespoke to your company's needs. We regularly deliver to ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURING, LOGISTICS and FINANCIAL SERVICES.
Courses offered
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Learning and development practitioner (level 3)
Apprenticeship location
L18 Liverpool Remove location
WHYY? CHANGE LIMITED’s training options
Head office 59.9 miles away
2 Brookdale Court, Chapeltown, Sheffield, S35 2PT
Day release address
Unit 1 Brookdale Court, Chapeltown, SHEFFIELD, South Yorkshire, S35 2PT
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01144000077
- Website
- https://whyychange.com
WHYY? CHANGE LIMITED is 1 of 71 training providers for Learning and development practitioner (level 3) at the apprenticeship location.
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