United Learning
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Provider overview
United Learning is an apprenticeship provider that delivers tailored programmes to allow school support staff to develop a wide range of skills. As one of the country's largest education charities and school groups, United Learning has an impressive team of staff and colleagues with a strong track record of school improvement and excellent teaching practices. Our mission to bring out the ‘best in everyone' doesn't just apply to our pupils but also to our support staff and apprentices training with us. We are committed to harnessing best practice, educational expertise, and specialist knowledge in all we do. This best practice is reflected in all of our apprenticeship programmes and we ensure that the needs of support staff area priority.
Courses offered
View all 6 courses offered by this provider
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Early years educator (level 3) |
HR support (level 3) |
Information communications technician (level 3) |
Sports coach (level 4) |
Teacher (level 6) |
Teaching assistant (level 3) |
Teaching assistant (level 3)
80% achievement rate (out of 80 apprentices)
68% national achievement rate
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Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
United Learning’s training options
Head office 71.5 miles away
Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 07718970964
United Learning is 1 of 287 training providers for Teaching assistant (level 3) at the apprenticeship location.
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