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Provider overview
Southport College has trained over 1,500 apprentices and collaborates with approximately 400 local and regional employers to enhance their workforce skills and support their apprenticeship and recruitment needs. We partner with a diverse range of employers, from large multinational corporations to small & medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our offerings include a broad spectrum of intermediate and advanced apprenticeships across 19 sectors. We are dedicated to responding to local and regional skills needs, providing opportunities for young people, and upskilling existing workforces. With success rates surpassing the national average, our Compete Apprenticeships and Training team is committed to meeting your business and training requirements.
Courses offered
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Teaching assistant (level 3)
SOUTHPORT COLLEGE’s training options
Head office
Mornington Road, Southport, PR9 0TT
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01704 500606
SOUTHPORT COLLEGE is 1 of 287 training providers for Teaching assistant (level 3).
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