Waverley Training Services
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Provider overview
Waverley Training Service (WTS) are a "not for surplus" division of Waverley Borough Council and have been delivering qualifications since 1983. Our apprenticeships are delivered within the workplace, or remotely. We work with employers in the delivery of the qualifications to current staff and recruitment of new apprentices. Being part of an award-winning council, we have years of experience in delivering qualifications to Local Government, NHS Trusts, Multi-nationals, Charities and SME's.
Courses offered
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Customer service specialist (level 3)
Waverley Training Services’s training options
Head office
The Burys, Godalming, GU7 1HR
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01252725872
- Website
- http://waverley.gov.uk/wts
Waverley Training Services is 1 of 311 training providers for Customer service specialist (level 3).
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