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Provider overview
Equals Training specialise in Management, Leadership and Customer Service employer based apprenticeships. Through collaboration with employers, we train your people in the skills, knowledge and behaviours that impact upon your organisation. Our assessment strategy brings together the development of the apprentice with the objectives of your business so that the training has measurable outcomes and is operationally relevant. Our employer based training promotes the integration of learning in situ so that the benefits of training extend into your working environment. We are committed to supporting the learning journey holistically by involving the apprentice and employer to generate a visible return to your organisation.
Courses offered
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Custody and detention professional (level 3)
100% achievement rate (out of 10 apprentices)
48% national achievement rate
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EQUALS TRAINING LIMITED’s training options
Head office
Warton Road, Carnforth, LA5 9EX
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 07887426187
- Website
- http://www.equalstraining.co.uk
EQUALS TRAINING LIMITED is 1 of 3 training providers for Custody and detention professional (level 3).
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