Makers Academy Ltd
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Provider overview
Makers is a true challenger brand in the education & hiring space. Our mission is to reshape corporate training with modern high quality apprenticeships that develop diverse talent into future tech stars.
Our success drivers:
CANDIDATES We help facilitate sourcing, identifying & recruiting talent without traditional CVs - we widen your talent pool beyond the obvious to find the exceptional
WORLD CLASS TRAINING We deliver job-focused training with front loaded learning to deliver job-ready talent fast. We offer a modular system with ongoing support tailored to your business
SUPPORT We support talent & businesses throughout the whole process to ensure we deliver on our promises & offer transformational value
Courses offered
View all 6 courses offered by this provider
Select a course to view locations, training options and contact details.
Data analyst (level 4) |
Data engineer (level 5) |
DevOps engineer (level 4) |
Senior leader (level 7) |
Software developer (level 4) |
Software tester (level 4) |
Senior leader (level 7)
Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
Makers Academy Ltd’s training options
Head office 101.2 miles away
Zetland House 5-25, Scrutton Street, London, EC2A 4HJ
Block release address
Zetland House 5-25, Scrutton Street, London, EC2A 4HJ
Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- (+44) 0203 817 8870
- Website
Makers Academy Ltd is 1 of 157 training providers for Senior leader (level 7) at the apprenticeship location.
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