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Provider overview
Scottish Association of Master Bakers (SAMB) operate a UK wide work based learning training organisation called National Food & Drink Training which specialises in food and drink operations apprenticeships and qualifications including bakery, dairy, food & drink manufacturing and processing. We are a not-for- profit organisation and have been providing apprenticeship training for 19 years in the UK, 8 of which in England. We are a City & Guilds & FDQ registered centre in England and a joint awarding body with SQA in Scotland. We employ a team of 23 staff 17 of whom are employed as regionally based training advisors. Each of our whom specialise in the food & drink sector, as well as training, assessment and verification skills.
Courses offered
View all 3 courses offered by this provider
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Baker (level 2) |
Food and drink process operator (level 2) |
Team leader (level 3) |
Food and drink process operator (level 2)
Apprenticeship location
B31 Birmingham Remove location
S.A.M.B.’s training options
Head office 260.5 miles away
2 U, Halbeath Interchange Business Park Kingseat Road, Halbeath, Dunfermline, KY11 8RY
Contact this provider about this course
- scott@nfdt.org
- Telephone
- 01383 661 555
- Website
- http://www.nfdt.org/training
S.A.M.B. is 1 of 25 training providers for Food and drink process operator (level 2) at the apprenticeship location.
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