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Provider overview
Acacia Training is a specialist training provider for apprenticeships, higher apprenticeships, mandatory training and work-based learning. We specialise in the health and social care, early years and childcare sectors.
Acacia Training provides in-house or off-site training for nurseries, pre-schools, care homes, hospitals, and domiciliary care providers including short courses such as dementia awareness, autism awareness, diabetes awareness and many more. We also provide e-learning through our Virtual College.
Our Ofsted rating is 'Good' and we hold Skills for Care accreditation for the quality of our training.
Our headquarters are in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire - but our team of experienced WBL assessors provides training nationwide.
Courses offered
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Adult care worker (level 2)
43% achievement rate (out of 130 apprentices)
53% national achievement rate
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ACACIA TRAINING LIMITED’s training options
Head office
Acacia House, Trentham Business Quarter Bellringer Road, Trentham, Stoke-On-Trent, ST4 8GB
Apprenticeship location
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Contact this provider about this course
- Telephone
- 01782646346
ACACIA TRAINING LIMITED is 1 of 206 training providers for Adult care worker (level 2).
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